Welcome to "Le Café de France"
After one year military, it begins a tour of three years in the USA. It joined the team of François Clerf at Maisons-Lafitte, near Paris during one year. Following a miraculous meeting with Pierre Troigros, celebrate cook head, Frederic flies away for the Zaire under cook of the residences of the president. These years will remain an unforgettable experiment.
Of return in France, it has the advisability of repurchasing a restaurant in difficulty at Moulins sur Allier. These six years enabled him to acquire a rich person experiment of head of company, with all frustrations of a tradesman in France (implied : banks, state, administrations...)
After a handing-over in fast question, it decides to sell its business and to join his brother, cook head at "La Cote d'Or" in Arlington in Virginia (USA). Knowing the American system already, it was a fast update.
With the "Tempo", with a southernmost cooking and Italian keys, it was the apotheosis between Serge Albert, cook head/owner head and Frederic. Seven years of culinary research and deep friendship.
Frédéric - the fresh products cooking.
Online reservation, e-mail one week in advance with your name and phone number - Thanks